Remote Visual Inspection Services

Reduce or eliminate the need for confined space entry.

On-site visual inspection services using a high-definition remote visual inspection camera.

What is Remote Visual Inspection?

  • Use of a high-definition camera capable of performing visual inspection and spray coverage testing without entering tanks.
  • The camera has visible and UV lights, 60x zoom, and is fully submersible up to 50m.

How can it help?

Confined space entry requires significant time and resources. From permits to additional supervision to first responders, the costs can add up quick. This system can eliminate the need for confined space entry and provide objective, consistent data about the quality of spray coverage or surface finish. Moving from CSE to this RVI system can reduce costs by up to 50%.

Why use RVI?

Reduce or eliminate the need for confined space entry by remotely performing riboflavin spray coverage testing, equipment inspection, documentation of surface finish and anomalies, and annual monitoring of surface conditions.

How does it work?

The camera and Matrix E3 system are easily portable and capable of running on AC or battery power. The camera is connected to the Matrix control box and can easily be lowered into a vessel in a variety of ways. The control panel allows the operator to move the camera, adjust visible and UV light, focus, zoom, measure, mark, and record videos and images.

Hyde RVI Services

 The Hyde Analytical Laboratory provides onsite visual inspection of tanks for a fraction of the cost of CSE.

Remote Visual Inspection Camera

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